If your pepper plant leaves turn yellow it may be a sign of nutrient deficiency. This can be caused by many factors, such as not watering them enough (water stress), not feeding them properly, or disease and pest infestation.
A lack of nitrogen is one of the most common reasons for pepper plant leaves to turn yellow. When a plant has a nitrogen deficiency, the yellowing usually begins at the bottom of the plant and moves upwards as the problem worsens. This is easy to fix by giving the plant more nitrogen.
Another cause of yellowing is too much heat. As the weather warms up, a pepper plant’s leaves may begin to turn yellow as a result of being stressed by too hot conditions. This can also be corrected by supplying the plant with more water.
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The last reason for pepper plant leaves to turn yellow is a fungus or bacteria infestation. Fungus diseases such as Phytophthora blight, bacterial leaf spot and Southern blight can cause leaves to turn yellow as well as wilting and stunted growth. Fungus infestations can be prevented by using a fungicide that is labeled for use on pepper plants at the first signs of disease.
If fertilizer is used regularly and the pepper plant is still showing signs of yellowing, the soil may be a problem. A soil test is the best way to determine whether the soil’s pH is too acidic or alkaline, preventing peppers from absorbing the nutrients in the soil. Regularly feeding the plants with a well-balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer should help prevent this issue.